Thursday, February 10, 2011

Did You Have a Nice Trip? See You Next Fall!!

I hate that joke.

It was a good day for a jog. My friend Jamie and I decided to go for one. (Jamie is ALWAYS there when I have a moment like this. Thank goodness she is in China for the next two years because every time I am with her something happens like this). We were running around campus, only a 1.5 mile loop, nothing serious. We turned the corner onto College Ave. This is the stereotypical college street where everyone is walking or catching their bus on. We were getting towards the front of College Ave Gym which also serves as the main College Ave bus stop. There are about 7 buses which stop here to unload and reload. As we were passing this area a really crowded bus had stopped to let all of the riders off. I was not looking down and the sidewalk was a bit uneven. All of a sudden I was flying through the air and then I slammed on the ground. I fell straight to the ground and laid there for at least a minute to figure out what had happened and how it happened so fast. When I realized where I was and what had happened I realized that people had been getting off the bus to see me tripping and falling straight to the ground. I was mortified. BUSES WERE UNLOADING and I was lying there covered in gravel. Jamie was hysterical laughing at me. When I got up I realized my knee was bleeding. I was a hot mess and everyone was watching me.

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