Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Damn the static cling!

During a chilly Saturday in New Jersey, I was on a brisk walk to meet my old roommate. Her house was only about 3 blocks. I arrived at one of the bigger intersections in the city, a place where you could bump into anyone on campus. I saw a boy from a distance I had had a fling with a year back. I did not feel like seeing him or talking to him. I just wanted to avoid him. The coast was clear and I could jet across the street without having to say a word. I began to make my move and noticed something green by my shoe. I ignored it. I took a few more steps and I noticed it was getting bigger. I looked down and a green thong from my laundry had clung on the inside of my pants and was now coming out of my pant leg. I had to bend over in the middle of the street pick it up as smoothly as possible. Now I was holding a thong in the middle of the busy street! I threw it in my bag and did not look back.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Hey Shawty

Short and sweet. Yesterday I was getting dressed at the wee hours of 7am...way too early if you ask me. I had just gotten out of the shower and I was pulling my underwear up and rriiippp. The band ripped off the underwear. What the hell?? This has never happened to me. Yes, it was a REALLY old pair but I did not know this could happen. No one saw it or anything but I just felt the need to share. These types of instances happen way too often in my life. I continued to have a god awful day until about 9pm. Lets just say TGIF.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pet Peeves.

So if you are reading this blog you know my name is ARIANNA. But I am constantly called ADRIANNA. I do not get it. WHERE does the D come from? THERE is not a D and there is not even a letter that LOOKS like a D. I don't know why people consistently call me Adrianna especially when they have known me for WEEKS...MONTHS even. It really ticks me off. Don't even try to call me Adrianna as a joke either. I will not laugh. I will give you a death stare and you will wish you never cracked that joke.

I am using this blog post as a rant instead of as my usually stories because it happened to me for the billionth time last night. I was in my graduate school class where there are about 25 students..shouldn't be too hard to get the names straight. Our teacher spent the first few minutes of our class passing out papers with our names on it. Mine was spelled Arianna. Correct. No problem. THEN at the end of the class she had assigned two students to start a class discussion. Adrianna and Constance. I raised my hand and said is ADRIANNA supposed to be me?!? She said oh yes sorry. Well little did she know that it really annoyed me and ruined the rest of my night. I was fuming and did not even get happy when we went out for happy hour later that night. All in all....don't call me Adrianna. I will have a hard time forgiving you.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Everyones Favorite.

September. My FAVORITE time of year. Autumn...back to school...school spirit flooding the streets at schools all over the country. What could go wrong??

It was the first week of classes. I went to school in New Jersey so it was still hot in early September. I had class in the Communications building which was at the opposite end of campus from my apartment. I wore a dress to class because of the heat. Class had finished and I was making my way back towards my home. I called a friend to catch up on our lives for my 15 minute walk back home. As I was turning onto my block a couple of older women were making a huge effort to flag me down. I thought "What could they want? Are they lost?" I acknowledged their efforts and walked over. They pointed to my butt and I realized my dress had been caught in my handbag the ENTIRE walk back from my class. I had literally walked the entire length of my campus with my rear end out and no one had told my other than this group of old ladies.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

London Bound.

Two summers ago I took a backpacking trip through Europe with a few of my closest friends. It was from July-August and we were only packing one backpack small enough to be carried onto the airplane. This left us little room for wardrobe changes. Since everyone had told me Europe is blazing hot in the summer I decided to skip packing a pair of pants. I know it was not the wisest move but if you saw how small our bags were you would see how much room one pair of pants would take up. I packed a pair of leggings instead. They still cover my legs, they are light and they take up little room in my bag. Smart thinking if you ask me. I decided to wear them on the plane because I am always cold on airplanes. My two friends and I were on a HUGE plane to London from New York. We had middle seats so we had to climb over people if we wanted to get up.

About midway through the flight my friend and I decided to make the climb towards the bathroom. There was an older man, who was definitely senior citizen age at the end of our row. We said excuse us and he was not budging. The right thing for him to do would be to get up and let us out. Nope he stayed put in his seat which then required us to have to step over his legs. So annoying! My friend stepped over first and walked towards the bathroom. I stepped over next and thought all was fine. Wrong. My leggings were caught to a little screw on the old mans seat! I tugged them and a ginormous hole ripped in them going from my thigh to my knee. My only almost pair of pants were ruined. I was wearing high top converse sneakers as well so I looked really punk rock when I arrived in London. Oh and it was freezing in London as well so I ended up having to buy another pair once we got there.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Two Story Worthy Moments in One Week.

I am one of 5 interns in the University of Washington's Olympic Sports office. I work there 3 days a week and spend most of my day working at a computer and snacking/drinking hot cocoa. Since I have to be in the office at 9am I usually bring my breakfast into the office. Today I brought some instant oatmeal. We have a water cooler which dispenses hot and cold water. I put my oatmeal into a cup and held down the tab for the hot water. About halfway through it dispensing, the cup slid out of my hand and fell on the floor. The halfway wet oatmeal literally exploded out of the cup and into my hair, on my face and all over the UW Husky purple carpet. If you have ever made oatmeal you know that when it does not have enough water in it it is a very sticky consistency. I immediately tried picking it up off the carpet but it was no use. I ran into the intern office to tell my friends. They here hysterical laughing at the oatmeal that was literally stuck on my eyelids and in my nest of curly hair. I laughed so hard at myself that I could barely tell my supervisor what happened. I ended up having to run around the building looking for the custodian. Thank god it is ALMOST friday!

Monday, January 3, 2011

WHAT do you MEAN I am at the wrong gate?!?

It is 5:00am. I am about to fly back to Seattle from NYC and I am going to blame this one on not being awake enough.

I stayed at my aunts house in Manhattan. My mom was nice enough to get me a car service right from her sisters apartment to the airport since my flight was so early. I woke up at 3:45 am brushed my teeth and ran out the door. I had checked in online and found out that I was in FIRST CLASS! Whoohoo! I have no idea how I ended up there and neither does my mom who arranged my flights but whatever I'll take it! So going to the airport at 3:45am this morning was not TOO terrible because I knew I would be in a nice comfy HUGE seat on a plane passed the hell out. We swiftly arrived at the airport and the nice man took my bags out for me and waved me off. I get online for baggage drop off and patiently wait. I had my boarding pass printed out and I THOUGHT I was good to go. It was my turn to turn my bags over and the extremely grumpy man tells me that my boarding pass would not work and I would have to check in at a kiosk. I refused to lug my bags around the stretchy ropes so i squatted and tried to limbo my way under. BAD CHOICE. The nice new umbrella my mom got me for Christmas decided to get caught in the stretchy rope. So now everyone on line was staring at me trying to figure out what I was stuck on as I pulled the rope across the room.

I got to the ticket kiosk and typed in my confirmation number. "Your itinerary does not exist." Then I tried my credit card...same message. I started freaking out. Why was this not working?!? I was too tired at 4am for this to happen! I asked one of the kiosk helpers and he said "wait...you are flying UNITED?" Oh yes. I was in the WRONG GATE! I immediately grabbed my baggage and sprinted outside. I had 1 hour until my plane departed from JFK. Looked left...looked right...I had to decide how I was going to get to gate #7 from gate #3. I saw a security guard who I thought would be able to provide valuable information so I yelled "EXCUSE MEEE!!" Ignored. "EXCUUSEE MEEE!!!" Ignored again. I turned around in hope there was a taxi and all I saw was a car service. I jumped in the car and got to my destination. Although he totally jipped me for 20 bucks. Oh well. At least I got to my gate. Now I get to sit in the first class "red carpet lounge." Thanks Mom.